Monday, May 16, 2011

Sambuca 360 - Chicken Fried Ribeye Steak w/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli & Texas Toast

I visit Sambuca pretty often, I usually just get brunch there, but...glad I tried something different this time.  This has made it to my Favorite's list.

WOW!!!  This was SOOO good!!!  Let's first talk about what most people don't like...BROCCOLI!!!  The broccoli was AMAZING!!!  It didn't need any seasoning at all and it didn't have any cheese on it (I LOVE cheese & usually would put this on my broccoli!).  Now the Chicken Fried Steak & Potatoes w/the gravy...DELICIOUS!!!!  It was SO filling, I had enough left to take home and eat the next day.  And even after reheating it, the Chicken Fried Steak was still tender and tasted VERY good!!!

3 Thumbs up! :-)

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